Yarrr! talk like a pirate day went off without a hitch today!!
i brought in me jolly rodger to school and the first person i see be Katie.
"NO MIA! I KNOW YOU DONT HAVE TO TELL ME!" she said loudly. i held up the jolly rodger and she gave me a look, but i did manage to get ter to say "yarr" at one point. that lubber dan tho, he wouldnt say anything even remotly pirate like. proceeded to the galley where i chanced upon first mate Giovani and his crew. he was very eenthusiastic. yarr! he wore the jolly rodger as a cape. very amusing. i headed down to advisory and spread the pirate colours over me desk, not unlike a table cloth. kt was not ammused. TJ said yarr and waveed the jolly rodger about for a bit. In Itallian Mrs. walker was COMPLEATLY without interest. Giovani made up for it though. Chemistry was amusing because that wench Takiva would flip at me every time i came up behind er and said "yarr". she was also amazed that i had acctually brought in the jolly rodger and couldnt seem to get the "yarr" down right. always saying "yearrgh". i informed her that that is what one says when one steps on a nail. at luch i showed vincent the TlaPD website but he was unconvinced. vincent is a lubber too when it comes to TlaPD. i posted a thread about it on Taz-kun's forums though, and they fully embraced it. exspecially link, he had very good pirate grammer. english was, as expected, not pirate-y at all. geomety was slighly pirate-y but it could have been more because of tremayne's tendancey not to talk, and alexs tendanc to disregaard everything i say as babble. algerbra had no pirates. i went to anime club afterward and was torn between saying "domo, mina" and "yarr avast, ye scury doggs!" i wound up with the latter. Giovani was there and was still enthsiastic. ^.^
when i reached the end of my daily voyage home, we hung the jolly rodger outside on out flag pole. the neighbors came over and asked about it, so i informed then that it was an international holliday and such. then i told everone on me buddie list and katherine was enthroled to find that it was international instead of just national.
yarrr, methinks that this was a great TlaPD. i even found the TlaPD song