Monday, September 19, 2005


Yarrr! talk like a pirate day went off without a hitch today!!
i brought in me jolly rodger to school and the first person i see be Katie.
"NO MIA! I KNOW YOU DONT HAVE TO TELL ME!" she said loudly. i held up the jolly rodger and she gave me a look, but i did manage to get ter to say "yarr" at one point. that lubber dan tho, he wouldnt say anything even remotly pirate like. proceeded to the galley where i chanced upon first mate Giovani and his crew. he was very eenthusiastic. yarr! he wore the jolly rodger as a cape. very amusing. i headed down to advisory and spread the pirate colours over me desk, not unlike a table cloth. kt was not ammused. TJ said yarr and waveed the jolly rodger about for a bit. In Itallian Mrs. walker was COMPLEATLY without interest. Giovani made up for it though. Chemistry was amusing because that wench Takiva would flip at me every time i came up behind er and said "yarr". she was also amazed that i had acctually brought in the jolly rodger and couldnt seem to get the "yarr" down right. always saying "yearrgh". i informed her that that is what one says when one steps on a nail. at luch i showed vincent the TlaPD website but he was unconvinced. vincent is a lubber too when it comes to TlaPD. i posted a thread about it on Taz-kun's forums though, and they fully embraced it. exspecially link, he had very good pirate grammer. english was, as expected, not pirate-y at all. geomety was slighly pirate-y but it could have been more because of tremayne's tendancey not to talk, and alexs tendanc to disregaard everything i say as babble. algerbra had no pirates. i went to anime club afterward and was torn between saying "domo, mina" and "yarr avast, ye scury doggs!" i wound up with the latter. Giovani was there and was still enthsiastic. ^.^
when i reached the end of my daily voyage home, we hung the jolly rodger outside on out flag pole. the neighbors came over and asked about it, so i informed then that it was an international holliday and such. then i told everone on me buddie list and katherine was enthroled to find that it was international instead of just national.
yarrr, methinks that this was a great TlaPD. i even found the TlaPD song


Sunday, September 18, 2005


i know what your thinking, "she should be posting about the all important Talk like a pirate day." but thats tomorrow and i have one other thing to post about (dont forget to vote on what kind of pirate i am anyway! its at the very bottom of the screen). the kawaii plushies i just adopted. say hello to:
Image hosted by Link Image hosted by Sheik
Image hosted by Spike Image hosted by Jet
Image hosted by Maes Image hosted by Roy
Image hosted by Havok Image hosted by and Ed

they will be rotated weekly in the top left corner (not in that order tho). thanks so much to Ink & Paint Plush for them! too kawaii >.<

Tuesday, September 06, 2005

i'll speak for my self

i hate to say it, but im not glad to be back in school.
i mean, its good to see everybody... but i would rather get up late.
freakin' algerbra....
im glad the italian possy is back together tho
and our advisory has greatly improoved
and rin, hurry up and watch all those CDs i gave you. i need to lend them to people. and it would be nice for me to have them... you know, the owner.... lol. and take those bells off that red hair tie. put them on some nice string or something....
gunther is in english with me!!!
i miss you trisket :(