Tuesday, September 19, 2006

Talk like a Pirate Day 2006

ARRRRRRRRRR! Today be Talk like a Pirate Day! And today be a great day. I just want t' say to all those yellah bellied lubbers who gave me dirty looks and especially to the bilge rat who yelled "take that dumb ass hat off" that ye all don't know what ye're missin'! Call me an' me hearties anythin' ye want, it's still more fun than ye'll e'er have! Tell me the next time ye say "Where do ye be plunderin' ye're ties from, Cap'n Rosen?" to yer physics teacher.

Anyway, Mike let me borrow his very ARRsome tricornnered hat and of course I wore me "ask me how I became a pirate" shirt and eye-patch. and I brought me Jolly Rodger, me spy glass, me pirate medallians, and me, er, pirate pencil toppers into school.
Dave is me official hero for the day. He got really into it and we were yellin' ARRRR and SCURRRRVYYY all throughout mid day mess.
and of course BIG PROPS to me hikari-chan for bringing in that helm. it must have been drivin' her nuts all day long XB
and I love every one who said ARRRR at any point in the day.

Official Talk like a Pirate Day website