Friday, January 13, 2006

"I look like an ice cream"

It was foggy today, so i did the logical thing and watched Pirates of the Caribbean again. if you wonder why it's logical its because when i went and saw Kong, the map of skull island said that it is always surrounded by fog, and the boat people had found a guy who said it was always foggy. so they get there, and its way foggy and they get caught on the rocks. the next day the fog is nowhere to be found. and all the days after that the fog, which is supposed to be around all the time, is missing. i told mom and she said that i couldnt complain because there are so many discrepancies in potc, so i proceeded to tell her that the fog that surrounds the black pearl is consistant throughout the whole movie ('sept for that one scene where Gibbs 'n Lizabeth 'n Will 'n Annamaria and all them are sailing away from the pearl. and they look back from the intercepter and there isnt any fog. but thats only in one shot so you can overlook it). anyway, so its foggy and i watched it. the point is a whole bunch of characters corespond to edibles. here's my list:
Norrington- Ice Cream
Jack- Rum
Barbossa- Apples
'Lizabeth- Wax Lips
Gibs- Any Kind of Alcohol
^those are the people its obvious for. the rest dont really make sence, but i try
Gov. Swan- Anything Regurgatated
Pintel- Sourpatch
Ragetti- Shirly temple
Will- Pocky

yeah, see?

Sunday, January 08, 2006

Revolutions in Resolutions

i dont usually make newyears resolutions, so heres a site that'll make 'em for you.

In the year 2006 I resolve to:

Teach my dog to fly.

Get your resolution here

Monday, January 02, 2006

Obligatory New Years Post

Twas checking out Gunt's xanga and she had a "nifty" idea for a new years reflection thing. so, ima post the first line from every month in 2005 like she did. (well, every month i have stuff for anyway)

May- well, I'm kirin and i cant remeber the name of the cop in freakazoid.
... i got it to work.
u kno whats nasty? boiled hotdogs
August- Ohaio! (orhoweveryouspellit)
September- i hate to say it, but im not glad to be back in school.
Octorber- well, i had 2 days off of school so mom wanted to go camping.
November- You are.... Barbossa's apple fetish.
sorry for the short post, but everyone must poke the bunny.

not as fun filled as Gunty's but what is as fun filled as Gunty?
and just incase- *~FIREWORKS~*

PS. ohmigosh! Guybrush and Lestat are the same person! Image hosted by
yeah, its in spanish i know...